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More cases of heat stroke as Riviera Maya daytime temperatures continue to soar into October

Riviera Maya, Q. R. — Daytime temperatures are still soaring around the state of Quintana Roo creating hazardous conditions for some. During the last week of September, the Federal Ministry of Health reported three additional cases of heat stroke.

In their weekly Epidemiological Surveillance of Extreme Natural Temperatures report,
the Ministry reported that to date, 89 people have been treated in hospitals around the state so far this year for heat-related conditions.

Of those 89, 12 died, 11 from heat stroke and one from dehydration. The Ministry also detailed that of the 89 hospital visits by state residents, 27 were for cases of extreme sun burn.

Even though it is October, the region continues to average 33 C (91 F) during the day.