Riviera Maya, Q.R. — The Group for the Construction of Peace and Security of Quintana Roo carried out search operations for missing persons in the municipalities of Benito Juárez, Isla Mujeres and Othón P. Blanco.
The first operation was carried out in the town of Mahahual and its surroundings including the coastal zone. Those involved in the search used sniffer dogs to locate human remains.
Searches for those known missing were also done in various areas of Cancun and extended upward to the Continental Zone of Isla Mujeres. Police searched jungle and beach areas for several hours.
In the far south, searches took place on a ranch approximately two kilometers from Calderitas, in the municipality of Othón P. Blanco, for events related to an investigation for disappearances committed by private individuals.
Members of the Mothers Seeking Civil Association of Quintana Roo participated in this operation.
The searches are carried out through the Office of the Special Prosecutor for Forced Disappearance of Persons and Disappearance Committed by Individuals.