Monterrey, Nuevo León — A former Guatemalan congressman wanted for embezzlement and abuse of authority has been extradited. The Government of Mexico has returned Luis “R” to his native country after being captured in the city of Monterrey.
Luis “R”, who was considered a fugitive, was extradited August 8 after being captured in Mexico in July of 2018.
According to the Ministerio Público (MP) de Guatemala, the now extradited, who has been identified by them as Luis Armando Rabbé Tejada, was wanted for abuse of authority, illegal appointments and embezzlement by abduction.
In an August 8 statement, the MP de Guatemala said “the Public Prosecutor’s Office coordinated the extradition of Luis Armando Rabbé Tejada, who was arrested in the United Mexican States and was handed over today to the Government of the Republic of Guatemala.
“The MP, through the Specialized Unit for International Affairs, at the request of the Special Prosecutor’s Office against Impunity, on December 28, 2017, requested before the First Judge of First Instance of High Risk Criminal Cases “A” of Guatemala, the sending of the provisional detention for extradition purposes of the Guatemalan citizen Luis Armando Rabbé Tejada to the Government of the United Mexican States, for his possible participation in the commission of the crimes of abuse of authority, illegal appointments and embezzlement by abduction, based on the extradition treaty between both countries.
“According to a ministerial file, the Special Prosecutor’s Office against Impunity conducted an investigation that provided clues about the commission of a series of crimes related to numerous irregularities in the hiring of personnel in the Congress of the Republic of Guatemala, facilitating the theft of public funds to the detriment of the assets of the aforementioned Congress.
“The criminal phenomenon detected two modalities attributable to Luis Armando Rabbé Tejada, in his capacity as deputy and as President of the Board of Directors of the Congress of the Republic of Guatemala, during the period from January 14, 2015 to January 14, 2016.”
According to the State Attorney General of the Republic (FGR), Luis “R” “was arrested in July 2018 in Monterrey, Nuevo León and after the FGR’s efforts, the Government of Mexico granted the extradition of the defendant to the Guatemalan Government.
“The transfer took place at the border crossing between Talismán, Chiapas, and El Carmen, Republic of Guatemala, to the Guatemalan agents designated for his final transfer.”