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Merida Maya Train station relocated to Teya reports Fonatur

Merida, Yucatan — The National Fund for the Promotion of Tourism says the location of the Maya Train station for Mérida has changed. The agency says that the train project for Mérida has been modified and that station will likely be constructed in the Teya area instead of the city center.

Teya is an area about nine kilometers east of Merida and while not official, Fonatur says that for now, construction of the La Plancha station will be put on hold.

The hold to construct the station was made after an analysis revealed a more efficient route, making it necessary to modify the location of the station, since, Fonatur points out, their goal is to avoid construction and mobility problems within the city.

The agency says that their commitment to deliver the system in 2024 remains, but can only occur through the efficient use of time and resources.