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Manager arrested and 14 rescued from Playa del Carmen establishment

Playa del Carmen, Q.R. — More than two dozen women were removed from a Playa del Carmen establishment Thursday night during a police operation. The late night operation involved municipal and state police in the takedown of a prostitution ring.

During the operation, 14 women were rescued and one man was arrested.

Personnel from the State Attorney General (FGE) closed the establishment after everyone from inside was removed. An alleged manager, Adrián “N”, was arrested. He is believed part of a ring that forced the women to offer sexual services.

Of the 14 women, 10 were Mexican and the remaining four from Peru, Colombia, Argentina and Venezuela.

According to the FGE, Adrian “N” was arrested “for his possible participation in the events that could constitute the crime of human trafficking under the guise of prostitution of others.”

The now-closed club is located on federal highway between Juárez Avenue and Calle 1 Sur.

“According to initial investigations, this person was in charge of interviewing potential victims, taking advantage of their economic vulnerability, in the case of Mexican women, and the immigration status of foreign women.

“He recruited them to work in the establishment under the promise of large profits. In addition to being forced to provide numerous sexual services, the victims had to pay various fines for failing to comply with some orders given to them by the manager.

“After completing the procedure, the participating agents proceeded to place the seals of assurance on the premises in addition to transferring the women to the State Attorney General’s Office to make the corresponding statement. Adrián “N” was placed at the disposal of the Public Prosecutor’s Office.”