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Man shot three times in Playa del Carmen shopping plaza lot

Playa del Carmen, Q.R. — Witnesses to a broad daylight parking lot shooting Thursday were unable to provide much in the way of a description to police. Since the unexpected incident took shoppers by surprise, police were left without details other than the shooters took off in a white taxi.

Those interviewed by police were referring to the Thursday morning shooting of a man in the Centro Maya plaza parking lot. Shoppers were sent scrambling after subjects began their targeted attack against a man before fleeing the scene.

The car of people arrived and shot toward the man, since identified as 40-year-old Juan N, a local teacher. He was hit three times by the gunfire and rushed to hospital in serious condition with reports of one bullet penetrating his abdomen.

Playa del Carmen police continue their search for the white Lázaro Cárdenas del Río union taxi witnesses described in the attack.