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López Obrador expropriates more land day after Tulum Airport visit

Tulum, Q.R. — Federal and state authorities paid a visit to the construction site of the upcoming Tulum Airport. The visit was made over the weekend by Governor Mara Lezama and President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

López Obrador was in the state Saturday on a Maya Train progress tour. While in Quintana Roo, he took time to also check on another mega-project, the construction of the Tulum International Airport.

“During the tour of our President to supervise the of the Maya Train project, we verified the progress of the construction of the new Tulum International Airport, Felipe Carrillo Puerto. We work to bring well-being and prosperity to the south of our state, to the communities that need it most,” Governor Mara Lezama published on her social network Sunday.

The Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena) is in charge of the Tulum Airport construction, which is being built in the neighboring municipality of Felipe Carrillo Puerto. In June, López Obrador reported the airport being 44 percent complete and “the 3,700-meter runway practically finished”.

He said there are 4,800 people working on the construction of the Tulum airport progress round-the-clock.

On July 10, the federal government expropriated additional land for the airport and air base. A total area of 1,521.1 hectares of the Chunyaxché ejido and annexes of the municipality of Felipe Carrillo Puerto, will be allocated to the Secretary of National Defense (Sedena) for the Felipe Carrillo Puerto Tulum International Airport. That land will also be used for a Military Area Base.

The land was earmarked after a general assembly with Ejidos who agreed to the land handover in exchange for a 433.5 million peso payout. The money is to be paid into the National Fund for Ejidal Development Trust.