Tulum, Q.R. — A load of rails for Section 5 of the Maya Train that arrived in Puerto Progreso in September has been land transferred. The rails, which arrived at the end of September, have officially been land transferred to the area that will see the train run from Playa del Carmen to Tulum.
The load, which consisted of 2,626 tons of rails, arrived from Japan September 25. The large loads were then moved onto the highway, which was done by the Sumitomo Corporation of Mexico, who specialize in the distribution of industrial machinery.
The rails were deposited at the Ministry of Communications and Transportation (SCT) facilities located at the entrance to Tulum, where approximately 207 tons were unloaded per day.
Fondo Nacional de Fomento al Turismo (Fonatur) says the process of land transport took 80 semi trailer trips from Puerto Progreso to Tulum to complete. This 2,626-ton load is the first of several that will be required to construct this section.