Lázaro Cárdenas, Q. R. — A firefighter was transferred to the city of Cancun for burns after being injured by an alleged firecracker explosion. The freak accident happened in the town of Kantunilkín in the municipality of Lázaro Cardenas Sunday.
According to preliminary information, two firemen were injured when a can of gasoline exploded from sparks of a lit firecracker. The town was celebrating a public event with firecrackers when one is alleged to have landed near the gasoline.
The can of gasoline was in the open bed of a municipal pickup truck that was part of the public celebration Sunday morning. Someone from the crowd reportadly lit a firecracker, however, instead of it bursting upward into the sky, it fired forward and landed in the bed of the truck with the gas and the two firemen.
One of the firemen from the bed of the pickup was taken to a Cancun hospital due to the seriousness of his burns.