José María Morelos, Q.R. — An industrial vehicle traveling through José María Morelos left a large area without services. Several residential neighborhoods were suddenly without electricity after the large vehicle snagged a set of overhead lines.
The incident happened around 11:30 a.m. Thursday when the oversized vehicle was passing through the town transporting machinery for Maya Train construction. Along the way, it became entangled in a set of overhead high voltage cables that crossed the federal highway.
As the vehicle kept advancing forward, a total of four poles were ripped down and their lines felled. The poles belonged to both CFE and Telmex.
Civil Protection arrived with Municipal Police who in turn, requested the presence of CFE (Federal Electricity Commission) personnel to repair the poles and restore electricity.
While electricity was reestablished within the hour, Internet was not restored until later that night. Police did not comment on possible charges to the driver.