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Imoveqroo: Inspection operations permanent around the state

Riviera Maya, Q.R. — The Mobility Institute of Quintana Roo (Imoveqroo) says its inspection operations will continue throughout the state to ensure units comply with the requirements established by the Mobility Law and its Regulations.

Rodrigo Alcazar Urrutia, the General Director of the Instituto de Movilidad del Estado de Quintana Roo (Imoveqroo) clarified that the inspection operations are conducted on all modes of public transport, including digital platforms.

At a press conference Tuesday, he said the objective has always been to seek respect for the law in all modes of transport and ensure passenger safety.

“We will continue with the operations in all modalities. The law must be respected as it is written. The issue is the same for everyone. There is nothing directed at anyone in particular. Whoever is outside the law will have to respond based on what the law says” he explained.

Alcazar says so far this month, 2,576 transport vehicles have been inspected around the state. Of those, 325 were motorcycle taxis, 1,114 taxi cabs, 371 collective taxis (combis), 18 digital platforms units (Uber and the like) and 83 cargo transport vehicles.

Rodrigo Alcazar Urrutia

In total, 68 vehicles were fined, a majority of which for not having the corresponding permits. An additional 23 vehicles were impounded for circulating without an insurance policy.

Alcazar confirmed that verification inspection operations will be reactivated this week to ensure proper permits and passenger safety.