Cancun, Q.R. — A group of heavily armed youths were arrested from the streets of Cancun Wednesday. According to the SSC (Secretaría de Seguridad Ciudadana), Luis Ángel “N”, Bruno Rafael “N”, Jeimmi Carolina “N” and Sarai “N” were arrested from their vehicle after attempting to flee city police.

The two women and two men were picked up from 145th Street after police intercepted the fleeing driver. Inside their car, police reported finding 557 transparent plastic bags of what is believed to be marijuana along with 91 bags of crystal meth packed in bags with the criminal gang legend “CJNG”.
Also during the vehicle search, SSC police located five weapons including two long model MYP-15 guns along with two other model long weapons, a Colt handgun, three chargers and .223 mm caliber ammo.
Police proceeded to arrest all four as well as seize their weapons, ammo and blue Honda CR-V.