Cancun, Q.R. — A group of at least eight men were caught on surveillance video removing an entire ATM from an OXXO convenience store in Cancun.
The store, which remains locked to customers during late hours for security purposes, was forcefully opened by a man wielding a gun. Reports say one of the employees inside was forced to open the store.
Once open, the group of men entered with one tying the employee and leaving him in a back storage area. The man then took the employee’s OXXO uniform and pretended to be working inside the store while the others loaded the ATM onto a waiting truck.
The group of thieves left the OXXO on SM 515 with cash from the register as well as the entire HSBC bank machine.
The report of the robbery was made more than half-an-hour after it happened when a delivery man to the OXXO happened upon the tied-up employee.
There were no arrests.