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Government takes first step to regulate taxis, Uber

Chetumal, Q.R. — The Governor has submitted the initiative that will regulate the use of digital platforms and taxis in Quintana Roo. The initiative will also include road safety, accessibility, efficiency, sustainability, quality, inclusion and equality in the public transport system.

Governor Mara Lezama Espinosa sent the initiative to State Congress to reform the Mobility Law, which was built and agreed upon through talks with the various sectors that participate in the services.

The initiative addresses the challenges and demands of urban mobility, which allows a deep transformation after years of being abandoned by the sector.

“Since January, working groups have been held with members of the legislative and executive powers, the Quintana Roo Mobility Institute (IMOVEQROO), concessionaires and representatives of the platforms who agreed that the General Mobility Law initiative must guarantee road safety, accessibility, efficiency, sustainability, quality, inclusion and equality, for which we worked intensively so that it included all voices,” the government wrote in their statement.

“The reform initiative has the specific regulatory elements for the operation of digital and technological platforms in the passenger transport service and, with this, offer the population a new model based on supply and demand with a technological approach that mediate and connect users and service providers, while at the same time,  provides greater security for the population,” it added.

“This law promotes free and healthy economic competition and equal conditions among transport service providers. In addition, it seeks to provide security to users through measures, in coordination with Public Security, which will be real-time geolocation, panic buttons, video cameras and voice recording which will be connected to our security system as well as security and coordination with authorities and service providers before the commission of illicit acts,” Lezama explained.

The Governor added that sanctions are established for drivers when they fail to comply and violate the provisions of the law, becoming creditors for the suspension, cancellation or revocation of the registry.

To strengthen resources, Mara Lezama announced the creation of a Mobility Fund whose main objective will be the modernization and improvement of road infrastructure in the state.

“All these actions as a whole are part of the New Agreement for the Well-being and Development of Quintana Roo and complement each other so that we have better mobility and security in our destinations in our transfers and thus, we continue to consolidate ourselves as the tourist power of Latin America,” she said.