Bacalar, Q.R. — Residents of the municipality of Bacalar have reestablished a road block after failed negations with CFE. Angry residents from several communities say they have had power problems for weeks.
After a recent talk with CFE personnel, the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) had agreed to address the problem but, according to residents, failed to do so. On Wednesday at daybreak, the roadblock from Tuesday was back in place.
Electricity was restored in the community of Miguel Hidalgo, Bacalar around 2:00 a.m. Wednesday morning when repairmen replaced a faulty transformer. However, the entire power outage problem was not resolved.
Frustrated residents from the surrounding areas of Maya Balam and Kuchumatán took to the federal highway again Wednesday morning near Xtomoc in protest of the partial repair. Vehicle passage was not possible for nearly six hours while the angry group waited for CFE to arrive with equipment.
Residents, annoyed by the constant power outages, said they were going to close the road indefinitely until they had a solution to the problem. Police were at the scene of the roadblock trying to negotiate an opening, but without success.

“We will stay here until the CFE brigade arrives and restores service,” said one of the protest leaders to police who were trying to negotiate a flow for vehicles.

According to protesters, the Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE) has been negligent in responding to reports and providing a definitive solution to their continued electrical problems.