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Drugs and vehicles seized in five Cancun search operations

Cancun, Q.R. — Four males were arrested after Cancun authorities searched five properties. On Friday, the State Attorney General’s Office reported on the searches and arrests of the four males.

The five search operations were in coordination with the Secretariat of Citizen Security, as well as federal and municipal authorities. During the searches, various narcotics along with vehicles were seized.

One property was searched in SM 248, while the other four were located in the Valle Verde neighborhood. In all five searches, police found drugs that were seized along with vehicles.

“During the proceedings, Pedro “N”, Sergio Iván “N” and Omar “N” were arrested for drug dealing, as well as a woman for disobedience and resistance by individuals,” the FGE said in their public statement.

Elements from different corporations such as the Navy, the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena), the Municipal Secretariat of Public Security and Transit, as well as the Tourist Police, also participated in the searches.