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Continued CFE failures force hundreds to start New Year without power

José María Morelos, Q.R. — José María Morelos Mayor Eric Borges Yam says it was unfortunate that several communities started the New Year without power. During the first days into the New Year, the intermittent electricity supply in the southern regions continued to affect residents.

“It is very unfortunate that families in some communities were without electricity on the 31st. They have been like this for two or three days,” he said. “We have done everything in our power, and I, as mayor, reported the issue. The only thing the CFE says is that they will bring personnel, but they do not.”

Borges Yam said it is unfortunate that 2025 began with “terrible service” by those now in charge of the CFE (Comisión Federal de Electricidad) in José María Morelos.

“We cannot continue like this. The system here is very unfortunate. I hope that action is taken on the matter. A few months ago I had to intervene in Candelaria, the representative was there and promised the people they would clear the vegetation that interferes with the lines, however until today, they have done nothing,” he said.

Mayor Eric Borges Yam

Hundreds of families started the New Year in the dark. In the municipality of José María Morelos, the communities of Adolfo López Mateos, Candelaria, Puerto Arturo, Venustiano Carranza, Lázaro Cárdenas, the Ruta de Mecanizados and other rural communities were without electricity.

In response, Borges Yam, made an energetic call to the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) to provide decent, efficient service.

“I hope that the state and federal government take action on the matter because my support is in the direction of the people, what the people decide because we have joined together, but those here at the CFE have not kept their word,” he said.