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Children selling candy on Cancun street rescued by authorities

Cancun, Q.R. — Three children seen selling candy on a Cancun street were rescued by police Tuesday. The three kids, all under the age of seven, were removed from the street after numerous citizen reports.

The kids were rescued by members of the state’s Specialized Group for Attention to Victims of Domestic and Gender Violence (GEAVIG) team. At the scene, responding police officers were made aware of a fourth child, a baby, that was left in the care of the three others while they worked.

The children were seen by motorists selling candy along a section of the city’s busy Tulum Avenue. Members of the Grupo Especializado de Atención a la Violencia Intrafamiliar y de Género (GEAVIG) team located the children Tuesday afternoon.

A baby was also found in the care of the three children while they sold candy on the street.

Cancun Mayor Ana Paty Peralta said “thanks to an operation by the Specialized Group to Victims of Domestic and Gender Violence, a situation of child labor involving 4 minors was detected. The minors are now safe, in decent conditions, with food and psychological care.

“In this government, we will continue to have zero tolerance for any act that violates the rights of our girls and boys. We are firmly committed to the absolute protection of children.”

Authorities are investigating the case, including a search for the children’s mother.