Cancun, Q.R. — A woman who was charged in the death of her former husband has been acquitted. The woman, Lenny “G”, was on trial for the murder of her former partner from whom she suffered abuse for 17 years.
On Tuesday, the State Attorney General of Quintana Roo reported the dismissal of the case at their request. In a statement, the agency said it was the first time the FGE of Quintana Roo had requested and won the dismissal of an abuse case.
“For the first time, the FGE Quintana Roo requested the dismissal of the case and obtained an acquittal in favor of a woman accused of qualified homicide against her ex-partner.
“The accused suffered from constant physical, psychological, sexual and economic abuse during the 17 years that their relationship lasted,” they added.
Lenny “G”, who was on trial for the death of her husband, was acquitted after the FGE accredited her actions as self-defense. According to the FGE, Lenny “G” was arrested in November of 2020 after she stabbed her husband with a knife during an argument. He later died.
“The State Attorney General’s Office promoted the withdrawal of the criminal action against Lenny “G”, for proving in her favor, the cause of justification of legitimate defense,” they reported, adding that she was immediately released and given and “absolute freedom”.