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Cancun residents protest lack of CFE attention after another blackout

Cancun, Q.R. — Dozens of fed up residents in central Cancun blocked streets out of frustration with the CFE. On Wednesday evening, large blocks of the city of Cancun were left without electricity again.

Within hours of being left in the dark and heat, angry residents began to hit the streets on Niños Héroes Avenue. Nearly a dozen city blocks were reportedly left without power due to transformer issues.

Residents began to post their complaints on social media, claiming insufficient transformer repairs that the CFE made three months earlier. Cancun residents took to social media after being without power for nearly 24 hours and no response from the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE).

Nearly a dozen city blocks were left in the dark Wednesday night. Photo: September 18, 2024.

Municipal Secretariat for Citizen Security and Transit (SMSCyT) police arrived due to the number of people blocking city streets. Some citizens’ social media comments focused on complaints to the CFE for its lack of capacity to provide the service, which has to be paid punctually by residents or their power is cut off.