Cancun, Q.R. — Cancun shoppers in SM 218 headed for opposite isles as police stormed a grocery store Thursday morning. At least half a dozen officers were seen rushing isles toward the back of the store in search of armed criminals.

With weapons in hand, police ran into the grocery store in search of men they had been chasing for nearly 30 city blocks. According to the SSC (Secretaría de Seguridad Ciudadana), their chase started in SM 247 earlier that morning after reports of a shooting in a residential neighborhood.
Police rushed the store after receiving reports of the men were hiding inside. Startled shoppers, seeing running police officers heading toward the back of the store, headed for opposite isles.

Cancun police said two armed men were arrested after a successful search and location operation.
“This morning, an alert of a criminal act was received through 911 where alleged criminals used firearms in the vicinity of Sm 247. Immediately, security elements implemented a search and location operation.
“With the help of the C5 video surveillance cameras, elements observed that the suspects were trying to escape by hiding in a supermarket in Sm 218, on Leona Vicario Avenue with Chacmool.
“The elements entered the establishment and managed to secure two of the suspects without using their weapons. The detainees were armed and were arrested and taken to the Municipal Department of Public Safety in Cancun.”

The chase began after two minors were shot in Villas Otoch, a residential area in SM 247 of Cancun earlier that morning. In a search for the gunmen, police entered the grocery store where they located both men hiding.
The store was evacuated during the arrests. Military personnel manned the outside of the store while Municipal Police were inside. There are reports of three gunmen being involved in the Thursday morning shooting against the minors. Cancun police have announced the arrests of two.
In their statement, the SSC said “two minors were reported injured, however, their lives are not in danger and they have received medical attention.”