Cancun, Q.R. — Cancun Mayor Ana Patricia Peralta de la Peña says the city’s Director of Auxiliary Police has been fired. According to Peralta, the Director, Alejandro Ariel Peña, was dismissed Thursday for “inappropriate conduct”.
Early Thursday morning, Ariel Peña was arrested intoxicated after being involved in a public altercation. Police were notified through 9-1-1 that an intoxicated man was disturbing public order and uttering death threats.
When Cancun police arrived in response to the report, they found the director of the Auxiliary Police was the person reported. A journalist on scene at the time of his arrest videoed him uttered threats saying “I’m going to kill them” and “I’m going to kill you, dog.”
On Thursday morning, Mayor Peralta confirmed his dismissal explaining he was removed from his position “due to his behavior that is not in accordance with the guidelines of our institution to serve and protect citizens.”
In a pubic statement, Cancun City Council said “In an act of authority, with the certainty of safeguarding the well-being and safety of the population, the Municipal President, Ana Paty Peralta, reported the dismissal of the Director of the Auxiliary Police of the Secretariat of Citizen Security and Transit of Benito Juárez, for behavior inadequate to the commitments to serve and protect the inhabitants, showing that in Cancun there is zero impunity.”
Peralta said she will not allow acts of abuse of authority or that disturb the social peace among the community, therefore, she chose to dismiss from office the director of the police corporation, who in the early hours of this Thursday, November 14, was caught in an inconvenient state outside a commercial establishment issuing aggressive slogans.
She said “he was immediately placed at the disposal of the authorities for a thorough investigation, from which other responsibilities may be derived.”