Cancun, Q.R. — Personnel from the Green Patrols of Cancun held a truck driver for arrest for illegal dumping. The unidentified driver was caught by three Green Patrol units unloading his dump truck in a city green area.
The man was caught red handed Tuesday afternoon in an area in SM 330. Cancun Mayor Ana Paty Peralta said his arrest took place during a surveillance operation by the Green Patrol.
Once caught, the Green Patrols requested Municipal Police officers to make the official arrest. He was taken to city jail and charged with an administrative offence.
In a statement, the City of Cancun said “during an operation in SM 330 of our Green Units, a dump truck was identified dumping approximately 300 kilos of waste in a green area.

“Thanks to the work of Siresol Cancun and the Municipal Secretariat of Citizen Security and Transit, the person responsible was arrested and the vehicle was transferred to the corresponding facilities. We continue to monitor and protect our environment to achieve a Clean Cancun.”
In the past, Cancun Civic Judges have handed down 8,000 peso fines for illegal dumping.