Cancun, Q.R. — Police and military personnel were at the scene of a finding Sunday off a Cancun beach. A group of local boaters reported seeing a human skull floating in the sea at El Meco near Puerto Juárez.
Cancun emergency services also received reports of swimmers coming across a human head floating off Playa del Niño in the same area of the city’s north end.
The reports were received around 4:30 p.m. that had numerous authorities responding to the discovery of floating human remains. Police asked nearby jet ski renters for assistance in locating and retrieving the head reported floating in the water.

After a quick search, what turned out to be a human skull, not an actual head, was brought to shore where authorities were waiting.

Forensic personnel were part of the initial responding team who quickly determined that the floating human skull was actually a fake skull made of resin.