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13.7 million being invested in Puerto Morelos streets and beach access points

Puerto Morelos, Q.R. — Streets and beach access points in Old Town Puerto Morelos are in the process of an upgrade. On Monday, Mayor Blanca Merari Tziu Muñoz launched the start of the paving of Heriberto Frías Street and the rehabilitation of access to the beach on Plutarco Elías Calles Road.

Merari says she considers the projects “fundamental to build the Puerto Morelos that we all want.”

“Heriberto Frías Street is one more project that responds to the needs and the commitment assumed with each one of the people of Puerto Morelos”, she said adding that “it represents a significant advance in the improvement of our road infrastructure and the quality of life of the residents.”

According to the Municipal Secretary of Public Works and Services, Axel Rosado Ramírez, on Heriberto Frías Street, 970 m2 will be paved between Plutarco Elías Calles and Leona Vicario Streets.

Regarding the rehabilitation of the beach access on Plutarco Elías Calles Street, Merari said that a total of six access points will be improved as part of the commitment to maintain and beautify public spaces, which are the main attraction for tourists and areas for the enjoyment of the people.

The work on the first access will consist of the installation of 6 cm thick stamped concrete floors, which will be integrated with a deck made of regional hardwood to provide safety and durability, as well as being aesthetically pleasing.

There will be posts, lights, benches, trash cans and horizontal and vertical signage, including ramps and indications for people with disabilities.

“We want our beaches to be an inclusive space where everyone can enjoy the environment in comfort and safety,” she said.

Rosado Ramírez explained that the rehabilitation of the six access points will be carried out with resources from the Environmental Sanitation Right. The total investment will amount to 13.7 million pesos.