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Municipal Police investigate abandoned boat off Isla Mujeres

Isla Mujeres, Q.R. — Municipal Police attended to the report of a suspicious boat landing near Garrafon Park Tuesday. The boat reportedly almost made landfall on Isla Mujeres around 11:30 p.m. Monday night.

The boat was found partially sunken several meters from shore.

Municipal Police of Isla Mujeres located the vessel partially sunken several meters from shore Tuesday morning when they arrived to investigate. The homemade boat is approximately 40 feet long and speculated to be able to carry around a dozen people.

Consulted sources denied that the Navy towed the boat to shore the night before. According to the Port Captaincy, police were assisted by local fishermen in pulling the boat out of the water Tuesday morning to avoid a possible contamination since it was found carrying several dozen liters of fuel.

Local fishermen helped police pull the boat out of the water Tuesday morning.

Inside the boat were left behind clothing and food items along with foam used for seats and fishing nets. The Harbor Master calculated the boat had the capacity to carry a dozen or so people.

Authorities say the homemade boat had the capacity to transport at least a dozen people.

Isla Mujeres police have not released a statement on the boat. It is not known how many people were on board when it neared the island, nor is it known where it came from.