Cancun, Q.R. — A young motorcycle driver who became aggressive while disputing a traffic ticket is now facing narcotics charges. Guillermo “M” was arrested by Cancun police Wednesday after being found in possession of drugs.
Municipal Transit officers found the drug stash in his backpack during a search. He was searched after becoming aggressive toward officers when he was stopped for a traffic violation.
The incident happened in SM 224 when he was pulled over by city police near Chac Mool Avenue. During his refusal to accept a traffic ticket, he became aggressive, which lead to his arrest.
Before being hauled away, he was searched. Police found several large bags of pot and powdered cocaine in his possession. He is now facing charges of drug dealing.
In a brief statement, Cancun Police said “Municipal police arrested Guillermo “M” for alleged drug dealing in SM 224, after he assaulted the officers. They found marijuana and cocaine in his backpack. He was placed at the disposal of the authorities for the corresponding procedures.”