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Mayor says Playa del Carmen to have increased military presence

Playa del Carmen, Q.R. — The mayor of Playa del Carmen says that the presence of the military police will be increased to move forward with security efforts in the municipality.

Mayor Laura Beristain says that the increase of la Policía Militar will contribute to the work being coordinated by both the municipal and state police in Playa del Carmen.

After a private meeting between Laura Beristain and high-ranking army officers, she announced that elements of the military will collaborate with the deployed security forces to achieve peace in the city.

“To triple the efforts, we will add more military police. Here have been the navy, the military and the Municipal Police and we have problems, but we are taking care of them.

“The crisis is the use, consumption and sale of drugs by those who have weapons,” said Laura Beristain.

According to the mayor, the waves of violence that the municipality of Solidaridad has suffered already this year require tripled efforts. She has called on the general population to participate by supporting local police.

“What I want is to make a permanent call to civil society, and all those who use weapons and drugs, for the pacification of the municipality by the municipality to please generate other ways of living. It is very important that we take care of each and every one of us, of our families, of our children, of our neighbors.

“It is a very important call that I am making to them, and I do it because it is my obligation. I make the call to them as citizens and as municipal president,” she explained.

The announcement of the increase in military personnel comes on the heels of the newly appointed director of the Policía Municipal Preventiva for Solidaridad, Siddley Javier Loeza Pérez.