Cancun, Q.R. — A man who received an electrical shock at a private home in Cancun was rescued by firemen and transferred to a private hospital for treatment.
The accident happened on the second floor of a private home in SM 520 of Cancun Thursday when the man, who was doing masonry work using a scaffold, made contact with a high voltage cable. The jolt of electricity threw him across the rooftop.
Paramedics arrived but were unable to move him due to his location. Cancun firemen were called to the home on Casa Blanca Street around 10:00 a.m. to remove the immobilized man from the rooftop so he could be transferred for treatment. Paramedics and firemen also had to wait for two Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) workers to arrive.
Red Cross paramedics say the man received burns to more than 80 percent of his body. The man has been identified as 41-year-old Orbidio L.D. from Chiapas. He was taken to hospital with first and second degree burns.