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Two additional blue holes discovered in Chetumal Bay

Chetumal, Q.R. — Researchers at El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (Ecosur) have reported that two additional blue holes were located in Chetumal Bay. Both holes are near the deep Taam Ja´ blue hole.

One of the holes, 43.2 meters deep, has been named Lool Ja´ (Flower of Water), while the second discovered hole at 42.8 meters deep, has been named Ch’och Ja’, Mayan for Salt Water.

Scientists involved in the discoveries made the announcement Thursday during an institutional seminar in Chetumal.

The Master of Science in Natural Resources and Rural Development from Ecosur Unit Chetumal, Laura Flores Franco, explained that both are completely submerged with their entrances at the seabed level of the Bay of Chetumal.

The first blue hole, Taam Ja’, was approved for publication in the journal Frontiers in Marine Science. The latter two, Lool Ja’ and Ch’och Ja’, have recently been submitted to the journal Estuaries and Coasts.