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Mahahual police officer removed from position after allegations of domestic violence

Mahahual, Q.R. — A Mahahual police officer has been temporarily removed from his position after the alleged assault on an ex-partner. The State Secretary of Public Security, Lucio Hernández Gutiérrez, announced the removal of the Mahahual police officer Christopher Jonathan A.V.

According to Hernández Gutiérrez, the officer was taken into custody and handed over to its Internal Affairs Directorate.

The arrest was made after the officer is alleged to have gone to his ex-partner’s place of residence where she alleged that he physically assaulted her and destroyed some of her personal belongings. An official complaint was filed against the officer, which lead to his arrest.

In a press conference at the C-4 of Chetumal, the police chief said that they will not tolerate acts of this type. He said that if the officer is found guilty, he will be discharged.

It is the second time in less than a week that a state police officer has been under fire for domestic violence. On Monday, the Municipal Secretariat of Public Security Rubén Oyarvide Pedrero, reported the dismissal of the director of Cancun Municipal Transit Jaime Joel Lira Cetina.

In his statement, he said Lira Cetina was dismissed for “due to unacceptable conduct of a personal nature, far from the principles of this institution.”