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City of Cancun declared ready for hurricane season

Cancun, Q.R. — The city of Cancun has declared itself ready for hurricane season after municipal officials verify emergency shelters.

Over the weekend, members of several Benito Juarez municipal offices gathered to establish the annual emergency shelter operation, assigning buildings to be used for temporary emergency shelter in the event of a hurricane.

On Monday, city officials designated dozens of school after being inspected and declared suitable to act as a safe space in the event they’re needed.

Inspectors verified that the chosen establishments do not present risks for structural damage, have adequate hydro-sanitary, gas and electric and do not lack emergency equipment.

The inspections were undertaken by the municipal offices of Civil Protection, Urban Development, Social Development, Fire, Municipal Health and Public Services along with government agencies including Semar and Sedena along with engineers and architects.

The 40-person team was divided into four groups over the course of three days while they inspected a total of 47 schools.

Hurricane season for the Atlantic officially begins June 1 and runs until the last day of November. An early 2019 hurricane season forecast predicts 12 to 14 storms and 5 to 7 hurricanes.