Cancun, Q.R. — Cancun motorists reported a shooting that left a car riddled with bullet holes Friday. Inside, police located a deceased driver. Witnesses to the shooting made the report around 6:30 p.m. after seeing a man inside a Cancun taxi take aim at the white car.
The vehicle was shot at and hit numerous times as it traveled near the entrance of El Indio Blanco neighborhood on the municipal boundary of Cancun and Isla Mujeres.
According to eyewitnesses, the shooters, who were inside a taxi, paired up with the car and began firing. They reported that the man inside the car had a handgun, which he was attempting to use to repel the attack, however, he was hit before he could fire.
Paramedics arrived only to pronounce the driver, who has not been identified. It was the second such attack in hours.
On Friday morning, an Isla Mujeres lawyer was shot and killed while traveling on a central Cancun street.