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Zaragoza Canal dredging, Chetumal upgrades begin

Chetumal, Q.R. — The Secretary of the Navy confirmed that the first dredgers will begin work on the Zaragoza Canal by the end of the month, which is expected to be operational in about three years.

They report that they are finishing the construction of the warehouses, the environmental monitoring tower and a personnel camp for workers for the dredging of the Zaragoza Canal. Once complete, the dredging will begin.

The Secretariat of the Navy reports that the extracted seabed material could be used to build artificial beaches at some points along the 12 kilometers of Boulevard Bahía de Chetumal in an attempt to reactivate the image of the state capital and improve the economy as a tourist attraction.

However, Amir Efrén Padilla, president of the Colegio de Ingenieros Civiles in the southern zone of Quintana Roo said that due to the high cost it represents, the execution of the boulevard and Renaissance Park expansion project toward the Fiscalized Campus is unfeasible, in addition that the environmental law will not allow the removal of the mangrove or the construction of bridges.

He said that instead, the current infrastructure will be remodeled and improved. “Make it more modern, more attractive, more inclusive and more touristy,” he added.