Cancun, Q.R. — Cancun city council says that the garbage problem will last much longer than anticipated due to the legal processes involved. Flor Ruiz Cosío, City Council General Secretary says Inteligencia México began collecting garbage again together with Red Ambiental, a company contracted by the municipality in mid-December.
The official indicated that there is still nothing definitive in the conflict, which continues through a court process.
In a recent interview with Radio Fórmula, she said that court challenges continue which must be resolved based on the provision of the service.
“We await several resolutions by the IV Judicial District, regardless of the administrative procedures followed by the Comprehensive Solid Waste Solution (Siresol), Cancun and the Benito Juárez City Council,” she said.
She did say that Inteligencia México received an appeal in favor of allowing it to enter the sanitary landfill, so now in Cancun, there are two companies performing the same service.
“This does not mean an extra cost for the City Council, since what it pays is per ton that it takes to the sanitary landfill, so there is no impact,” she explained adding that they expect a resolution from the courts after delivering evidence that Inteligencia México did not comply with the terms of the contract.