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Six arrested after police filter finds tourist bus loaded with smuggled merchandise

Chetumal, Q.R. — Authorities from Quintana Roo have reported the arrest of six after a bus was intercepted along the Chetumal-Bacalar highway. Once on board, police noticed the bus was loaded with merchandise.

In a statement, Quintana Roo Police reported that on June 29, the inspection of a grey tourist bus was carried out at the Security Control Module located at kilometer 12.5 of the Chetumal-Bacalar highway.

According to their report, the unit was driven by 55-year-old Julio César N from Mérida, Yucatán and accompanied by 38-year-old Mrs. Ivón N from Mexico City.

Authorities specified that the bus was loaded with boxes of merchandise that they recognized as coming from the free zone of Belize. Neither of the two onboard had documentation that verified the ownership or legitimacy.

They were both arrested.

Among the boxes, police also discovered four people hiding. Inspecting police say 51-year-old Roger Miguel N, 35-year-old Román Ernesto N, 62-year-old Wilberth N and 38-year-old Leonardo N, all of whom are from the state of Yucatan, were also detained.

Authorities specified that all the insured persons, as well as the merchandise and the bus, were placed at the disposal of the Attorney General’s Office.