Chetumal, Q.R. — Quintana Roo governor, Carlos Joaquin González has reported his testing positive for Covid-19. The governor made his public announcement Thursday on social media saying that he will stay home during his recovery while being attentive to the needs of the state.
“Due to my actions as Governor I have been monitoring my health, the test I had this week has been positive to #Covid_19 , I feel good and in a responsible way I will stay at home always attentive to the actions of @GobQuintanaRoo. #JuntosSaldremosAdelante
Carlos Joaquín is the sixth Mexican governor to test positive for Covid-19. During the last 14 days he has carried out numerous public activities that have taken him around the state. Last week, he also participated in a GOAN (Asociación de Gobernadores de Acción Nacional) meeting in Querétaro, as well as the delivery of food aid in both Cancun and Chetumal.
Other Mexican governors have who tested positive for Covid-19 include Tamaulipas governor Francisco García Cabeza de Vaca, Hidalgo governor Omar Fayad, Tabasco governor Adán Augusto, Guerrero Héctor Astudillo and Querétaro governor Francisco Domínguez, all of whom were discharged after two weeks of recovery.