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Quarantine and mobility restrictions reimposed for the southern zone as they roll back to red

Chetumal, Q.R. — Quintana Roo governor Carlos Joaquín made the announcement Thursday evening, saying his decision to roll the entire southern zone back to a red epidemiological light derived from the number of positive cases, contagions, contagion risk and hospital occupation rates.

Joaquin says the four southern municipalities of Othón P. Blanco (Chetumal, Mahahual), Bacalar, José María Morelos and Felipe Carrillo Puerto will return to a red level as of July 13, which means only essential activities may operate.

During his announcement, he confirmed that the northern zone of the state will continue with an orange epidemiological light.

The governor stressed that deciding factors included hospital occupation rates, which average 76 percent, combined with a high contagion rate of 4.45. He says in both Othón P. Blanco and Lázaro Cárdenas, additional investments are being made to expand the current hospital capacities to avoid a possible saturation.

He also pointed out that as of today, there are 700 active Covid-19 cases in Chetumal, 39 percent of all cases in the state. The four municipalities will remain red from July 13 to 19. “Today we must all work on our economic recovery based on health care, since not doing so can take us backwards and delay this possibility of economic recovery,” explained the governor.

During this past week, at least four people were arrested in Chetumal for failing to abide with health protocols, mostly in wearing mouth masks in public. Carlos Joaquin pointed out that the General Hospital in Felipe Carrillo Puerto is at 100 percent of its capacity.