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Project to repair Cozumel sinkhole to take six weeks reports mayor

Cozumel, Q.R. — Work to repair a sinkhole near Playa Caletita has begun, reported Cozumel mayor Pedro Joaquin Delbouis.

“The City Council has already completed the studies and this week, the State Public Works Secretariat headed by the engineer William Conrado, began the work for which we appreciate the patience of the community,” he said in a press release.

Joaquin Delbouis reported that the project to repair the sinkhole on Rafael E. Melgar Avenue includes involvement from the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) who are reviewing area wiring to avoid an electricity cut. He also said that the Potable Water and Sewerage Commission (CAPA) has been conducting hydraulic studies for a month.

According to information provided by the Ministry of Public Works, Joaquin Delbouis says the repair project will last approximately six weeks, depending on weather conditions.

“In addition, in order to prevent accidents, it was agreed to temporarily close access to Playa Caletita starting Monday, since there will be heavy machinery working in the area to repair the damage,” Joaquin added.