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PDC central breakwater project to include coral reef planting and snorkeling area

Playa del Carmen, Q.R. — A breakwater project to help stop central city beaches from eroding could also bring other benefits. Lourdes Várguez Ocampo, head of Solidaridad Zofemat, said only part the project includes the installation of a breakwater.

She explained that the beach project also includes the plating of coral, which in turn, would create an area for snorkeling.

“We have a project to start on 10th, 12th and 14th Streets, which are the most critical areas of our federal zone since it is already quite eroded. It is a natural process. It is not that we or the population affect the beaches. Erosion is a natural problem of our coastal ecosystem.

“We are projecting some breakwaters, which will be built of local stone and wrapped in a mesh that does not generate microplastics or any contaminant,” said Várguez Ocampo at a press conference.

She pointed out that the project offers several advantages, among them the possibility of creating swimming areas for snorkeling.

“We can plant corals there and make an artificial barrier and attract fish, which will give rise to swimming areas with snorkeling. So we are looking to have, by instructions from the mayor, a comprehensive project,” she added.