Cancun, Q.R. — Interjet employees across the country have voiced their frustration with the company, which has resulted in a nation-wide strike. Airline employees began their strike Friday afternoon for months of unpaid benefits and wages.
A majority of the Interjet workers say they have not been paid for four months. Aside from unpaid wages, workers also claim unpaid benefits and bonuses.
Interjet workers took to the airlines check-in area at Mexico City International Friday, posting signs about the company’s lack of support.
According to a statement from the airline union, Interjet workers are owed four months of salary, six months of food vouchers, their Christmas bonus and the 2020 savings fund, as well as the Infonavit, Fonacot and IMSS payments.
The unionized workers took a vote, which resulted in 62 percent in favor of beginning to strike Friday.
Interjet suspended all its flights in December due to the lack of liquidity to operate and the imposed Tax Administration Service (SAT) embargo against tax debts from previous years.
“The last possibility for the company to continue flying was to reach an agreement with SAT to negotiate its debt and thus, be able to receive bank loans, but unfortunately, as SAT mentioned in its statement, that was not possible,” the Section 15 union reported in a statement.
In December, workers requested the Federal Government apply a requisition or expropriation against the assets of the Interjet company due to the breach-of-payment commitments to workers.
Three days ago, SAT said that the precautionary embargo on ABC Aerolíneas, legal name Interjet, does not have to affect the payment of salaries to company workers.
The more than 5,000 Interjet workers are hoping to recover their wages and benefits under section 15 of the Confederación de Trabajadores de México (CTM).
In December, the company Resérvalo, that managed the Interjet Vacations brand, filed for bankruptcy.