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Holbox islanders agree to scheduled CFE cut

Holbox, Q.R. — Island residents of Holbox have come to a blackout agreement with the CFE for repair work. On March 27 and 28, the island will be scheduled to be without power while the federal company installs an underground cable that will increase the voltage.  

The dates were agreed upon during a meeting between island businesses and the Federal Electricity Commission.

Alejandro Cañedo Cantú, President of the Holbox Island Hoteliers Association, said the meeting was positive. He detailed that on March 27, one half of Holbox will be without power while on the 28th, the other half will have their power cut.

Work by the CFE will see the island’s voltage increase from 2.4 to 13.2 kilowatts, a much higher capacity which is expected to put an end to the blackouts due to over saturation experienced mostly during high tourist seasons.