Cancun, Q.R. — The National Fund for the Promotion of Tourism (Fonatur) announced an investment of 14 million peso to rehabilitate public services along the Malecón Tajamar.
The funding will be used for the installation of 24 kilometers of electric cable, 324 new lights, transformers and accessories and the rehabilitation of walls, among other items.
Fonatur says that work in the Tajamar area will begin immediately with a completion date estimated for the end of November of this year.
Their announcement came after the agency performed an inspection of the electrical infrastructure in coordination with the Benito Juárez city council.
Malecón Tajamar became known nationally in January of 2016, when with heavy machinery, developers entered the area and began rush-clearing more than 20 hectares of vegetation, including protected species.
The rush was made to clear the land before the environmental permits granted by the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat) expired and the vegetation on it, declared protected.
After numerous legal battles, the site was finally shut in 2018, which led to theft and infrastructure damaged in excess of more than 20 million peso, “which has prevented citizens from enjoying properly this place,” the agency said.