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Drought conditions for southern region expected to continue into new year

Chetumal, Q.R. — The Secretary of Agriculture says this year, Quintana Roo went through one of the worst years in terms of drought, a situation that is expected to continue into the new year with the region’s driest months coming up.

Luis Llanes Towers, el secretario de Desarrollo Agropecuario, Rural y Pesca (Sedarpe), says the dry conditions are expected to continue into January and February, two months that are generally dry in terms of rainfall.

The state official said that this year has been very atypical due to the lack of rain with producers in Lázaro Cárdenas, José María Morelos, Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Othón P. Blanco, Bacalar and Tulum suffering. He says it is for this reason they have had to redirect different programs to compensate for the affect.

He says the drought lasted “practically all year”, noting only occasional rains that certainly had their effect on southern region producers.

“This is a situation at a national level because it happened in other regions of Mexico too. This must be effects of climate change,” he said.

The State Government will compensate a little more than 24,000 corn producers in addition to having already delivered 6 million peso in support for farmers.