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Delegates submit formal request for creation of Municipality of Chiquilá

Chiquilá, Q.R. — The town of Chiquilá has made a formal request to become its own municipality. On Thursday, delegates of Lázaro Cárdenas formally made the request during a State Congress session.

Their request was submitted to the XVII Legislature for the creation of Chiquilá as Quintana Roo’s 12th municipality.

The secretary of the Board of Directors, Cristina Alcerreca Manzanero, read the request, informing the 21 legislators present that delegates from the towns of Solferino, San Ángel and the Chiquilá Mayor’s Office, headed by Ignacio Cáceres, all corresponding to the municipality of Lázaro Cárdenas, requested the creation of the Municipality of Chiquilá to the Congress of Quintana Roo.

In February, Mayor Joel Pinto Álvarez, reported that the request was made in order to obtain more resources for things such as infrastructure. Those involved in the new municipality request have said that the decision was made due to a lack of attention of regional needs on the part of the current Lázaro Cárdenas City Council.