Cancun, Q.R. — Agents of the Ministerial Police in Cancun seized four vehicles from a junkyard that were reported stolen on Monday. In an operation, police were successful in recovering the four stolen cars from a location in SM 92. One person was also arrested.
Police say the four vehicles were all stolen on the same day from the Alfredo V. Bonfil delegation. They were located due to their active GPS systems. Police were able to track down the cars inside the junkyard at the intersection of 34th and 89th streets just off Kabah Avenue.
Inside, police also found and arrested mechanic Emilio N, who attempted to claim not knowing anything, however, neighbors told police he was well-known in the area.
Elements of the State Attorney General’s Office entered the brick-walled yard accompanied by state police agents who guarded the perimeter while several tow trucks were called to remove the vehicles.