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Cancun-Merida highway shut after cement pump truck tips

El Pocito, Lázaro Cárdenas — A cement pump truck that ended up partially off the road left a section of Cancun highway completely shut Tuesday. For more than an hour, a section of the Cancun-Mérida free highway remained completely closed during the afternoon after the pump truck partially tipped.

The large construction unit was located outside the town of El Pocito in the municipality of Lázaro Cárdenas where authorities were left with the task of up-righting and removing the unit from blocking the road.

Another large construction unit was called in to act as a crane, lifting the back of the pump truck back into position. With both units on the road, the highway was completely shut for more than an hour by the National Guard.

Eventually the roadway was reopened. The accident was said to have occurred after the driver allegedly falling asleep at the wheel. There were no injuries reported in the mishap.