Cancun, Q.R. — Cancun mayor Mara Lezama Espinosa has clarified that there is nothing firm regarding news circulating about the arrival of Formula One to Cancun. In a press conference, she emphasized that the city is without the infrastructure to host such an event, acknowledging that it is something that has been discussed in previous years.
“There are many people who are interested, but the reality is that we will have to wait to know a little more about this project and to know if there is feasibility for it to be carried out.
“The truth is that the topic has been around for many years, I’m talking about many years,” she said adding that she has already spoken with federal government representatives, but the reality is that there is not even reference to the cost of the race track or infrastructure that is required.
Her clarification came after several local media outlets reported Cancun could be in line for a Grand Prix of Mexico by 2024. The possibility of the event was made via a politician who noted that the Cancun track would be in addition to the existing race track at the Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez in Mexico City, which is confirmed until at least 2022.