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Cancun inspectors visit real estate land owners for irregularities

Cancun, Q.R. — The city council of Benito Juárez has sent inspectors to real estate land owners to ensure legal permits to sell and rent their properties.

The large undertaking involved 27 inspectors from several organizations including the direcciones de Desarrollo Urbano, Asentamientos Humanos, Protección Civil, Comercio y Servicio en la Vía Pública y Fiscalización who inspected facilities selling and/or renting their land.

The group also included a topographer as well as 20 city police officers, 10 police units and four officials from Municipal Ecology who worked together to inspect real estate developments and plots of land for any irregularities.

Their efforts have resulted in the closure of several land sellers as well as the removal of illegal billboards and awning structures. Permit review notifications were also placed on properties of landowners who were unavailable at the time of inspection.

The goal of the inspections was to ensure those offering to sell or lease their land for the purpose of commercialized real estate are legally able to do so, since some land cannot be regularized for sale or lease.

Cancun mayor Mara Lezama Espinosa says that the inspections were to provide protection to the public in a bid to avoid fraud that can generate uncertainty in the real estate market. She says it is also to control urban sprawl where landowners sell or lease land without basic facilities such as drainage and waste treatment, contaminating underground water systems and creating a negative environmental impact.