Cancun, Q.R. — Airline World2Fly announced that it will increase its daily flights into Cancun to seven days a week. On Friday, World2Fly executives said the increase in frequencies will start during the summer of 2025.

The announcement was made Friday during the International Tourism Fair being held in Madird. World2Fly announced that starting this summer, it will increase its frequencies, flying every day to Cancun.
Currently, the airline lands at Cancun International six days a week. The airline has a growth projection of 20 percent after acquiring BDX – Bestday, which moves more than 105,000 passengers between Madrid, Lisbon and Cancun with two weekly flights. It currently has 500 people working in Cancun.
World2Fly executives emphasized that they support the Governor of Quintana Roo’s 24/7 work and commitment to the well-being and shared prosperity that benefits workers.